Air Turbulence — for the passengers it’s an unexpected enemy, like a sudden pothole in the road or a storm in the summers, but it’s so common. It is one of the most unexpected of all meteorological phenomena that are significant to pilots. It might be as minor as a few annoying bumps or serious enough to throw an aircraft temporarily out of control or cause structural damage. Despite the discomfort and fear it causes, turbulence is essentially just a “rough patch” created by wind, thunderstorms, the jet stream, closeness to mountains, and other factors. (Spoiler Alert- It doesn’t ever mean that the plane is about to crash! )
What Is Turbulence?
Turbulence is the shaking caused by a disturbance in the air stream that actually assists a plane in flying. Turbulence, sometimes known as air pockets, can cause a temporary loss of altitude at which the airplane was actually flying.
The air that makes up the atmosphere is constantly in motion. Airplanes are able to fly because of this motion. Airflow going over and beneath the wings must be regular for the airplane to fly steadily. However, some meteorological occurrences might produce airflow irregularities, resulting in air pockets. Turbulence occurs as a result of this.There are other factors causing turbulence and these factors also name the different turbulence types such as clear air turbulence, temperature inversion turbulence, mechanical turbulence, etc.

What Does It Mean To Fly In Turbulence?
In turbulence, planes can wobble and shake. Some of them are moderate, while others are aggressive. In the event of turbulence, pilots alert passengers, and all passengers are expected to buckle up their seat belts. Seat belts are essential because extreme turbulence can cause passengers to fall out of their seats. According to studies performed in the United States in 2005, only 58 passengers out of 800 were injured during turbulence, with the majority of those injured not wearing their seat belts at the time.
7 Types of Turbulence That Can Destabilize Your Aircraft
Clean-Air Turbulence: This is experienced at high altitude as the aircraft crosses between two air masses moving in opposite directions. This might occur when an aircraft moves into or out of the jet stream.
Wake Turbulence: This type of turbulence is created by the plane itself as it travels quickly, creating a hole in the air and disrupting its flow. It might also occur when an aircraft passes through turbulence caused by an aircraft in front of it.
Mechanical Turbulence: This happens when a solid object, such as the landscape, mountains, or high rise buildings, obstructs the air movement for the aircraft.
Mountain Wave Turbulence: A standing mountain wave is formed as air flows over the top of mountains, travelling down the leeward side, and air currents fluctuate between different altitudes. These produce some of the most severe turbulence.
Convective (Thermal) Turbulence: As the ground gets heated because of solar energy, the air above it gets warm and rises up. This air passes through the surrounding air pockets, and creates air turbulence for the airplane flying across it.
Frontal turbulence: This is triggered by the lifting of warm air, an unstable frontal surface, or a sudden wind change between warm and cold air masses. It is common during severe weather or when thunderstorms occur.
Wind Shear: Wind shear is a variation in wind speed or direction over a short distance in the atmosphere. This may occur in locations where the temperature rises with altitude, around jet streams and or near storm systems.
Turbulence Intensity
Turbulence is often classified as low, moderate, severe, or intense when reported. The degree is determined by the nature of the initiating source(wind, thunderstorm,etc.) as well as the degree of air stability.
Light turbulence causes slight variations in altitude, as well as slight bumps or shaking of the aircraft . Passengers on board may feel a slight strain against their seat belts.
Moderate turbulence is comparable to light turbulence but slightly stronger. However, there is no loss of control of the aeroplane. Occupants will feel a considerable strain against their seat belts, and any unsecured objects may get dislocated.
Severe turbulence produces abrupt and significant changes in altitude , as well as substantial fluctuations in indicated velocity. The plane may lose control for a brief period of time. The passengers on the plane will be pushed hard against their seat belts.
In extreme turbulence, the aircraft is violently shaken and is hard to control. It has the potential to cause structural damage. This situation is extremely rare and happens only in extremely terrible circumstances.
Is It Possible For Planes To Crash Due To Turbulence?
Turbulence does not cause a plane to crash, but it does lead people to worry. Planes are designed to withstand a variety of turbulence. Violent turbulence can be frightening. Pilots, on the other hand, receive particular training accordingly .The only thing you need to do is buckle up and be calm until the turbulence passes.You may feel uncomfortable for a short period, but planes shake during turbulence, and this is considered very normal.

Despite how it appears and regardless of how severe the turbulence is, the aircraft’s real safety is rarely threatened. Planes are designed to absorb a significant amount of it. Many times, pilots are aware of impending turbulence and may activate the seat-belt indication as the plane approaches it. Preflight weather data, cockpit radar, and information from other planes in the region all help the pilots.Few airlines are also exploring technology that uses ultraviolet lasers to shoot pulses into the air ahead of them to help flights avoid turbulence entirely.