Programming is an excellent skill to acquire and develop,especially for the kids of today since they are growing up in a tech-savvy world. Anyone who will work with computers in the future should be familiar at least with the fundamentals of programming. However, there are so many different programming languages to choose from that it can be difficult to select which one is ideal for your kids.Here is a review of the top ten programming languages for kids who might be interested in learning to code, wherein we’ll describe about both types of programming languages, text-based and visual languages.
Recommended Programming Languages For Kids
Python is regarded as one of the easiest coding languages to learn,owing to its simpler syntax and emphasis on white-space. Python requires fewer lines of code to get started, so even beginners can get started quickly.
Python is used by companies such as Google and Disney ,and it is particularly popular in scientific domains where people are scientists first and programmers later. This programming language may be used to create video games, web frameworks,and a variety of scientific and numerical computer tasks.
The language is ideal for developing easy-to-read code that appears similar to conventional English,and best suited for those students who are interested in pursuing scientific fields,particularly artificial intelligence.
Many of the common prerequisites of programmers are already incorporated into this programming language,making it an excellent language for kids to learn.
2. C++
This programming language, pronounced as “see plus plus”,is used to develop apps that operate locally on computers such as your laptop or PC. C++ may be also used to develop system software, games,and a number of other programmes.
Many computer science experts and developers dispute whether or not a student should begin with C++. This programming language may appear to be similar to mathematics, which may put students off learning to code. However, once the principles of programming are understood, C++ may open numerous doors into the world of programming. Many of today’s most accomplished programmers start learning to code with C or C++.
Despite the time and difficulty involved to master C++, this language will offer kids with a very deep grasp of programming.
Java is one of the world’s most popular programming languages. As a result, it’s an excellent choice for students who want a solid foundation in coding that they can build on for years to come. Although Java is probably more difficult to learn than Python, using Java as a first programming language will make learning any following language easier for the kids.
Java is a statically typed language, which means you must define a variable type. While Java-based applications are renowned to be more scalable, reliable, and maintainable, it can also take longer to understand than other languages. Java is beneficial to kids since it can be used to create gaming engines, Android mobile apps,massive back-end environments,and much more.
The language is ideal for intermediate programmers looking to expand their skill set and wish to have a thorough knowledge of programming principles.The concepts of this language may be taught to kids through the use of a fun game such as Minecraft. Java is also great for those learners who are willing to put in the time to understand the syntax of the language. The time and effort you put in, will eventually pay you back!
4. C#
C# — “See sharp,” as it is pronounced,is a very popular programming language that is used to create the majority of third-party programmes for Windows. It is the fourth most in-demand programming language for jobs and may be an excellent starting point for those new to coding. The language is ideal for learning to code while creating 3D games.
Contextually, C# is fairly similar to Java, thus knowledge with one of these languages will make learning the other easier. C# has even been labeled as the Microsoft clone of the Java programming language. It can be used to develop web applications, games, and other things.
JavaScript is an object-oriented and procedural programming language utilized for developing front-end or client-facing programmes, which means that its actions are executed on the user’s computer.
Despite the fact that their names seem similar, Java and JavaScript are two entirely different languages.
The language is widely adopted, has a large number of users (and jobs! ), and is supported by all web browsers. JavaScript is most typically used to create interactive and complex online applications.
HTML and CSS may present an exciting opportunity for kids who have a strong interest in design,to receive an early glimpse of web development and online apps.
HTML is the code used to generate most web pages, and it determines how the content on a web page is structured. The CSS code then determines how the web page appears, including colours, fonts, and other design elements!
Together, these languages provide all of the fundamental abilities required to create a simple web page, making them ideal for students who appreciate art and creativity.
When it comes to coding for kids, visual programming languages such as Scratch make a solid foundation of programming principles, allowing the young learners to drag and drop code blocks to animate characters, create games, and develop apps.Best of everything, their simplicity inspires children to learn to code! Interactive stories, games, and animations may be created using visual programming languages.
While this language is basic enough for kids, it also has sufficient features and functionalities that even experienced programmers may use this language.
Scratch also features a very engaging online community where individuals discuss their work and games with one another, which can help kids become more involved and keep them motivated.
This language is excellent for- Visual Learners, kids who have no prior programming experience and/or are younger, for demonstrating to children how much fun coding can be and also for teaching fundamental concepts to kids such as problem solving and logical thinking.
Snap is a variant of Scratch created at UC Berkeley. It was designed to integrate some more complex programming principles, and so serves as an ideal intermediate step if Scratch is too simplistic for your kid,but he or she is not yet ready to move beyond block-based coding. Furthermore,Snap programmes may be translated to JavaScript,Python,and other text-based coding languages, making the transition to these languages much easier.
For newbie programmers, Ruby offers the most understandable syntax. Rather than spending a lot of time describing the code that students are entering into machines,most of it will be self-explanatory. This is a critical component for kids who are still learning the fundamentals of programming.
At the end of the day, kids must grasp the concepts in order to produce effective codes. Ruby is a fairly good programming language that was originally used to develop Twitter, so you can demonstrate to the kids right away that this application is a tool that is utilised on major platforms.
10. LUA
Lua (which means “moon” in Portuguese) is a lightweight coding language developed in Brazil that is meant to be embedded in applications. It’s a multi-paradigm language, which means it includes a set of general features that may be applied to a variety of problems.
With a short learning curve (similar to Python), simplicity of embedding, and quick execution, it’s an excellent choice for tasks such as learning how to create a game.The number of developers that use Lua is gradually growing, which means your child may learn a technology that will help them in a variety of jobs; Adobe Photoshop,World of Warcraft,and Angry Birds all use Lua code.
Programming is a skill that is virtually useful for anyone. It teaches you to consider how any process works.It teaches you how to consider the steps required to complete a process ,how to solve problems and find solutions.
It’s essential to understand that each language has advantages and disadvantages.Each of these languages will help students better comprehend programming principles and become more interested in coding. The crucial thing is that kids understand the fundamentals behind programming, such as the logic behind writing code, and familiarize themselves with tricks of the trade.